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Platform payment process Preferred PayPal  (2017/8/11 10:53:09)


Each payment process is very simple and convenient, save you a lot of trouble, do not worry about being cheated."



Buyer protection will escort your shopping

PayPal buyer protection provides protection for each eligible customer purchase order. If the goods are not in conformity with the seller's goods, or the goods are not delivered, we will be liable for compensation.



Seven hours a day, 24 hours a day to protect your information security

PayPal will not disclose your credit card and debit card information, allowing you to enjoy the ease of shopping experience. Bank card information will be protected by sophisticated security encryption measures, and we will monitor each transaction to eliminate fraud.

每周七天每天 24 小时保障您的信息安全



Enjoy / return shipping payment service

In addition to the seller guarantee, if you changed my mind, or for the purchase of goods are not satisfied, you only need to return to the seller the purchase of goods, can get up to $20 through the PayPal return shipping goods freight payment service.


在卖家保障之外,如果您临时改变了主意,或者对购买物品不满意,您只需向卖家退回所购商品,便能通过 PayPal的退货运费赔付服务获得最高可达 20 美元的退货运费。


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