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STK672-080  Stepping Motor Driver (Sine Wave Drive) Output Current : 2.8 A (No Heat Sink)
  |  4 orders
US $3.00 / PCS
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US $3.00
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Logic chip
Product Details
Part no.STK672-080
Date CodeN/A
DescriptionStepping Motor Driver (Sine Wave Drive) Output Current : 2.8 A (No Heat Sink)
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Part No.  STK672-080
Download   STK672-080 Click to view
File Size   221.07 Kbytes
Page   17 Pages
Maker  SANYO [Sanyo Semicon Device]
Description  Stepping Motor Driver (Sine Wave Drive) Output Current : 2.8 A (No Heat Sink)
$ 3.56 (USD)/PCS
$ 3.56 (USD)/PCS
$ 3.56 (USD)/PCS
$ 3.50 (USD)/PCS
$ 3.50 (USD)/PCS
$ 3.00 (USD)/PCS
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 阳*****  Order Number: PO:********0248201#
2018/3/7 17:10:24(time)
 杨*****  Order Number: PO:********6018682#
2017/5/10 19:36:01(time)
 Seller(Anderson) Reply: (国内ic业最好企业信息和产品信息发布平台,最新ic信息、市场动态。立足深圳,辐射世界,专业3C市场资讯,覆盖电脑,手机,电子产品。

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2017/5/6 11:12:59(time)
 Seller(Anderson) Reply: TI代理商,ON代理商,德州仪器,STM单片机,驱动器,放大器,电池管理,全新原装,互联网营销
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2017/4/7 16:36:16(time)
 Seller(Anderson) Reply: 建设“一带一路” 实现共赢发展,超互联思维的最新相关信息,打造一个诚信的,人人都行得通的健康发展电子商务圈.
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 ******  Order Number: PO:********2434681#
2017/4/5 12:12:43(time)
 Seller(Anderson) Reply: 建设“一带一路” 实现共赢发展,超互联思维的最新相关信息,打造一个诚信的,人人都行得通的健康发展电子商务圈.
The construction of "The Belt and Road" to achieve win-win development, the latest relevant information over the Internet thinking, build an honest, healthy development of electronic commerce circle all feasible.
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 许*****  Order Number: PO:********0256696#
2016/9/1 21:40:25(time)
 李*****  Order Number: PO:********2284056#
2016/8/30 18:44:10(time)
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